The project of the platform Business for the Society „Diversity 2013+ – Getting Women on Board“ is being supported by the Open Society Fund Prague from the Let’s Give (Wo)men a Chance programme, financed from Norway Grants.
The aim of the project is to carry out an intensive communications campaign to raise awareness about the necessity to increase women’s participation in the management of state, municipal and private enterprises.
Business for the Society has been involved for a long time in the field of supporting equal opportunities for women and men in the work and private life and it is trying to change the way how the women, who aspire to executive positions, are perceived by enterprises and also by the public.
- Use systemic measures to increase women’s participation in the boards of state and municipal companies, in stock exchange-listed companies, and at the same time to implement measures to reach an equal proportion of men and women.
- Use support and education activities to increase women’s participation in the executive positions in private companies.
- Make available a system of voluntary pledges to a broad spectrum of private companies.
- Implement a measure to inform about an equal proportion of women and men in the senior management of enterprises as standard part of the information the companies reveal about themselves.
- Change the way how the women, who aspire to executive positions in companies, are perceived by the companies and by the public.
- Support a change in the way how the middle and senior management think by implementing direct support measures in order to make them support and implement the principle of gender equality.
- Strengthen the cooperation between companies in the field of achieving gender equality in workplace.
- If we want to react to the economic, demographic and social challenges Europe is facing, we need to look in a new way at the role of women and men as economically equal partners in relation to their roles in the society.
At the same time, diversity helps companies stay competitive, allows them to hire more talented people and provides them with space for innovation and development. The challenge is to support women in order for them to become or stay active in the job market.
This can be achieved by measures focused on implementing equality in employment combined with actions aimed at allowing men and women to combine their professional and private responsibilities.
The male and female roles and stereotypes have a strong influence on the current division of labor between men and women in family as well as professional life and in the society in general.
The Diversity 2013+ project follows the output of the Thematic Expert Group (TES) – Leadership of Women. The group’s objective is to start a discussion about the topic of equal opportunities for women and men in companies, support the positive examples and increase the readiness of Czech companies to adapt the planned measures of the European Commission, which include quotas for women’s participation in the boards of stock exchange-listed companies. The companies that participate in the project want to support the implementation of measures aimed at implementing equal opportunities in companies as well as the development and use of the leadership abilities of women.
For more information on the project contact Jana Skalková (skalkova@byznysprospolecnost.
Partneři projektu:
Projekt podpořila Nadace Open Society Fund Praha z programu Dejme (že)nám šanci, který je financován z Norských fondů.